im damn high now haha, just now went to e!hub w farhah amni cause she wanna buy valentine day gift, when i was suppose to stay in skul to do lite project haha. then saw neh neh jiao, she was bowling w theresa, fann, etc. then i ask the "crazy gay zhiwei" to teach me how to fold heart for valentine day, in the end, he fold so fast, i still dunno how to fold. then we continued 'exploring e!hub' haha. we went to every floor th shop, walk walk see see, then at then last floor so a couple of sec 1 bitches, the fold their skirt until lyke damn uneven ok, then in skul so hot still wear jacket. then we just pretend to walk past them, then we say :" wa, singapore so cold, everywhere we go also must wear jacket. somemore here got so many snowflakes". lols, basterd right? but who call them so bitch? then carried on ' exploring'. then saw theophilia w her friends waiting to watch movie, but while waiting, we all tgt went to arcade to play for a while, power right?(: then aft that we left, then we saw anastasia and her friends, just finish bowling. then saw ryan, yong jie w their friends going to bowl. then aft fin 'exploring' we went to downtowneast there to walk, but aft walking, felt then hot so went back to the bowling there to enjoy air con, cause over there is lyke damn cold can. there saw neh neh jiao playing again, she leading. my neh neh jiao power right?(:then last want is zhi wei, loser. haha. then walked one more round of the bowling area then realise that the whole bowling area is occupied by all coral students. then left, amni went to th toilet to count her $, then i took some pictures, wo her knowing (: then aft that went back to the shop buy flowers then left for home, then was locked out cause i have no key, stupid right? so now, aft waiting, finally got key to go in (: gonna eat my lunch now, toodles(: